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What is Reiki?


Updated: Mar 15, 2022

That is such a good question and for many the answer would be something woo woo?! However the reality is quite different, Reiki is a gentle way to heal yourself, heal emotional clutter ,support your immune system and increase your energy levels by allowing yourself to open up to the universal energy that surrounds us all. Reiki is also a really nice way to live your life of mindfulness and calmness with yourself and others.

Reiki is a simple yet powerful universal energy technique used for healing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. It works with your body’s own natural healing processes "Reiki" (ray-key) is Japanese for 'universal life energy', a term used to describe a system of natural healing. This healing tradition was founded by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. The energy works its way through the whole energy system (chakras) automatically. While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. My lineage goes back to Mikao Usui who is the originator of the Reiki we practice today. He travelled all over Japan healing during the early 1900’s and was awarded a “Kun San To” from the Japanese government for helping others. Since then Reiki has become a widely used healing method all over the world.

How does Reiki make you feel?

Reiki helps to release blockages, trapped emotions or unresolved thoughts and feelings for you to look at. Random memories will start popping up after a treatment for you to view with your current knowledge, without judgement or guilt and either incorporate into your life or most likely let go. Reiki may create deep relaxation which in turn stimulates happy hormones that help to reduce stress, anxiety, improve your sleep, feel happier and offer pain relief.

There are many reasons why ‘blockages’ occur in our bodies and how these manifest, will vary from person to person. It is important to recognise and deal with these emotions, at an appropriate time, rather than tuck them away inside because they will pop up later. Feelings such as anger, sadness, stress or depression, if left unchecked, can start to affect you physically as well as mentally. A range of everyday life situations such as stress or injury can contribute to stagnation of qi, which is our body’s life force.

Reiki may help you to understand what you need to do to continue with your own spiritual development by promoting a meditative state that allows you to tap into your unconscious mind. This will also deepen the connection to your intuition, higher self, guardian angel, source or however you like to think of it by raising your own vibrational energy

How does Reiki work?

Reiki practice permits us access to the universal life force which is generated by all living life forms, plants, trees etc. We channel the energy into your body, your body then uses the energy to heal what it needs to. We do not make a diagnosis or ask for specific areas to be healed, that decision is up to your body as you most likely will not be consciously aware of what is actually causing blockages in the flow of the energy in and around your body. By raising the vibration of your energy using the universal light you can release, heal and balance your soul from within.

Currently, there is no scientific technology to accurately measure the existence of life force energy but medical science agrees that we have what has become known as a biofield. This is described as an intricately layered vibrational energy field that flows in and around our body’s.

History has shown us that many cultures for thousands and thousands of years have used this type of methodology in a variety of ways, such as pranic healing, crystals, acupuncture, shamanism, Chinese medicine etc all with the specific aim to keep the biofield balanced, allowing the life force energy to distribute itself evenly and form the basis of good health and wellness. Any imbalances or disruptions in the energy field are likely to forge the beginning of illness.

What can you expect in a Reiki session?

Firstly, we make you comfortable either sitting or laying down fully clothed, we will then guide you through a mini meditation to ensure that you are fully relaxed, at all times you are fully in control. We connect to reiki and use our hands to deliver universal life energy to you, fully immersing you in the healing life force. Our Usui lineage teaches us to be guided by our intuition to the areas that need healing and we may be called upon to use the reiki symbols. Each healing is unique to you and what you need at that time. Once the healing is completed we will gently wake you, when you can talk to us about your experience if you wish.

The first few times that you have Reiki you may feel quite tired and or will need to sleep a lot as there may be a lot to heal.


Reiki healing is like immersing yourself into a bath of warm healing energy and allowing Mother Nature to do her job. Reiki offers you freedom from emotional clutter that has been holding you back in a gentle and kind manner. You do not need to have a preconceived idea of what you want to achieve as this may be well hidden, deep in your subconscious mind. Reiki is another tool in the box of wellness, let go of the past, have no regrets and move forwards with positivity and clarity of your own purpose. Reiki is a lot less woo and much more do!

Book a Reiki healing session with Heather or Sharon at the healing shop or book a discovery call if you would like to talk to us about it. Heather is also an experienced Reiki Master and teacher with a exceptional energy field, she will be offering courses at all levels throughout the year, sign up to our website to be the first to know about our course dates

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