A sports massage is an active and therapeutic treatment for injuries. Whether you need a pre-event tune-up or are looking to remove residual pain from old sports injuries, being sat at a desk all day long or any form of repetitive work, a sports massage can help.
About The Treatment
We regret to inform you that Sharon will discontinue massage treatments starting December 20, 2024, due to the impact on her hands. Our commitment to your holistic wellness remains strong, and we will continue to support your wellness journey. In the new year, we are excited to introduce new healing treatments to enhance your experience.
Thank you for your understanding and support
Using techniques that support your body's own recuperative properties, adjustments to address joint and muscle imbalances and stretching to improve range of motion, the core concepts behind sports therapy are actually those of medicine in general.
A firm massage treatment with particular emphasis to release muscular knots, swelling and tension from over worked muscles and promote muscular repairs, reduce pain and increase range of movement enabling you to achieve your set goals.
Sharon will pay particular attention towards the area of injury in order to support the healing process and get you back on top of your game, whether that's in the sporting arena or every day life. We are not all top athletes but the injuries can be just the same, such as repetitive strain injuries (RSI) stiff neck and frozen shoulder. Working from home on a make shift desk and chair? All will benefit from a sports massage
You will also be offered a stretch routine to continue the healing process at home and advice on future injury prevention